
dd_GlitchAssist is a small windows gui front-end for the open source ffglitch project, itself built ontop of ffmpeg

If that all sounds like a lot of codewords, then, erm ... yeah ...

ffmpeg is an open source video encoding/decoding/transcoding application - basically the swiss army knife of video encoding, and the back-end for many many projects.

it is run from the command line using a string of voodoo gobbledigook to do its magic

ffglitch is an open source video glitching project built on top of ffmpeg - basically the swiss army knife of video mangling and "datamoshing"

it is run from the command line using a string of voodoo gobbledigook to do its magic

can you see a bit of a theme developing here ?

#voodoo #gobbledigook

whilst both tools in combination offer some insanely powerful creative possibilities to those interested in messing with video ... the gobbledigook ain't pretty ...

... and neither is it particularly easy-going to get started with - and it needs a bit lot of typing to make things happen

(and I don't mean typing in plain language, oh nooooo.

not this stuff.

this is pharmaceutical-grade cryptic voodoo gobbledigook we're talking here)

probably enough words already for an introduction, so w. t. f. is this page for ...?

forget the gobbledigook, and pissing around - this app does that for you from a simple windows gui interface

yeah. great. so what ?

well ... you wanna fuck-up some videos ?

download this ...

and follow me, my pretties, on a walk in the woods with dirty uncle daz ...

so ... if you already know why you're here, you'll most likely know what this is about:

datamoshing allows things like this :

to be turned into things like this :

filthy. how very dare you ?

to which I'd question how you'd very dare not, cos dd_GlitchAssist includes more than 150 ready-made scripts for applying different styles of bastardisation to your video,
and rumour has it that there's other despicable code-monkeys out there fiddling with ways of providing even more glitch scripts.

ready to get dirty then ?

hold-on a second, it's not so simple ...

well, it is when compared to pissing about with a command line

(as long as the app is setup properly, that is)

but still, to make anything usable we gotta follow some (simple) steps, or your video might neve make it back into an editor, and it'll all be a massive waste of time.

step one : export a clip - it can be anything you like.

step two : pre-process the clip into something than can be glitched

step three : glitch the fuck outta that shit

step four : turn it back into a nice polite video that your editor can use

step five : cover your tracks as you back away trying not to look too guilty for your dirty little habits

step six (optional) : learn some basics of coding in .js and then you can edit the included scripts, or make your own to share on illicit backwater internet forums under a false name

neither false nose or raincoat included

so. yeah. this video explains how to get it all up-and-running :

** mad props to Ramiro Polla for coming-up with ffglitch **

happy glitching.

and remember to wash your hands when you're finished.

you dirty, dirty bastard.

there's nothing down here now fuck off and go break some videos

go on. off you trot.

bye now.

the end.

© 2020 Daz Disley