OpenGL gfx in SynthEdit SEM (SDK3)

project status : experimental : July 2014
this download is here for anyone wanting to look-over the project in it's current state, and maybe have a play or ping-back some crit.
DO NOT use this in a vst plugin just yet - there are still some creases to iron-out

SynthEdit © Jef M

SEGL : by daz disley

Further work on top of ph0n3s original Test
In additon to Rand's info below, this SEM now static-links the glew functions
required to get things up and running, so doesn't require end user .dll

SEM test in SynthEdit 1.1914
- multiple instances
- draws to control view, panel view and controls on module

multiple instances tested and running in (so far) :

TODO : plenty testing

based on : ph0n3s GLSL Test
OpenGL GLSL Module demonstration for Synthedit May, 2012
By Rand Williams (ph0n3s)

Code for this project based on NeHe OpenGL tutorial Lesson 1.
Created By Jeff Molofee 2000

Code for this project based on OpenGL:Codes:Simple GLSL example
Written By Leonid

Using GLEW The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
Copyright (C) 2002-2007, Milan Ikits
Copyright (C) 2002-2007, Marcelo E. Magallon
Copyright (C) 2002, Lev Povalahev All rights reserved.
Mesa 3-D graphics library 7.0 Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2007 The Khronos Group Inc.
The automatic code generation scripts are released under the GNU GPL.

to get up and running you'll need :

eventually, the users of your plugins will need : so if it crashes your host with a complaint that SynthEdit can't find the module ... you know what to do

so ... with everything installed, use the following paths : create the following folder : next, download put the SEGL folder in the SDK3 folder so it is a sibling of the other SDK3 example projects if you got this far, you're ready to go ... however ... there's a bit of hackery involved in getting this up and running, so I've created a blank sem generator which will make a simple sem for you that acts as a VU meter graphic (connect to animation position pin like in the SE VU meter control)

use the form below to generate your SEM start-point - this will give you a zipfile in which you'll find a folder. copy this folder to the SDK folder, so it too is sibling of the other SDK example projects

navigate to the folder, and open <SEMNAME>.vcxproj using VC


IMPORTANT NOTE :: once you've compiled your SEM REMEMBER to copy the shaders to the same folder as the SEM !
this defaults to : C:\Users\User\Documents\SE\modules\GL and for each blank project the files you'll need will be : if everything worked, you can now open SE, and insert your newly compiled SEM :

Daz's magic SEGL SEM source generator

use this form to input some basic information about your SEGL SEM

CLASS name : SEM name : SE Category :

hit this button and you'll get back a .zip (about 10kb)

find me on the sesdk mailing list : here
or on the SE users facebook group : here

good luck !
If you fancy giving a plugin made with this stuff a quick test, download this and put it in your plugins folder - and please let me know over on facebook if it runs in your host ... the graphics don't quite draw exactly as they should just yet, but at the moment I'm more interested to see if it runs in your host, loads & shuts-down nicely, plays alongside other plugins politely etc etc ...